Project [code name: Rogue]
            last update: 2002/07/06

Today's Photo
這張照片是我在 1997 年在美國‧猶他州的國家公園拍的。 當時,我站在懸崖邊只是為了展示一項很白痴的想法 - 它叫做 "勇氣"... 不過後來朋友給我這張照片時,感覺還滿酷的。 而且這張現在已經是我最喜歡的照片之一了,有部分原因是因為看不到我的臉,哈哈!   » 看照片
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This photo was taken in summer 1997 while we travelled to the Arch National Park, Uta. I was standing on the edge of the cliff just to show some stupid idea about brave... Anyway, it looks kind of cool after I saw this picture took by my friend. And it actually becomes one of my favorite picture. Part of the reason might because my face is not shown on this photo. Ha! Ha!   » pop the photo
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